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"Me, I used to exist all over the campus. I used to be in the fabric of life here, but Circuitus slowly moved me out. By the early 80's, I was reduced to sneaking from building to building. When they hired you, it was the last straw for me; a whole new group of administrators moved in, and Circuitus got too powerful. I went into hiding in Dana Commons. The only thing I've done in the last 15 years is lock my brother in his own castle, the UC. A more fitting temple for him was never conceived."
"Shut the hell up, Susan. You know as well as I do that the Administration never intended the UC to be a student center. It's just another extra-expensive building that barely does what it was designed for, yet looks amazing in brochure photos. Any building on this campus could be my temple."
You're not about to let them resume fighting. "Could someone tell me what the heck is going on with this school? What's the truth about this place? And why'd you say 'when they hired you?'"
Sue takes one hand, Circuitus takes the other, and suddenly the three of you are rising straight up into the air. When you're safely beyond the top of Jonas Clark, you stop. You can see the whole campus from here. You try not to think of the absence of anything beneath your feet.
"OK," says Sue, "This University has 3 distinct faces, or modes. As you wander around campus trying to do your thing, whatever that may be, you can use the rules and codes from any one of them. Which face do you want to learn about first?"A