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"The second face of Clark is the structure created by the flow of money. Or, in other words, the effect of the Enterprise System on getting anything done.
"The Enterprise System in a nutshell: every department, sub-department, and office in the school pays for every service from every other department, sub-department, and office. This is because they're all very dependent on the money they extract from each other and from the students and student groups.
"Financially-oriented members of the Administration like to say that Clark's like a little city. Presumably, this is because in the analogy, they're like the Mayor's Budget Directors or something. The only problem with the analogy is that, for the students here, it's a city where every business is a monopoly-- or virtual monopoly-- and there are laws determining what you can and can't buy, and what you have to buy, and no consumer protection agencies."
Circuitus says, "You're giving my lecture. Would you like me to continue for you?" Sue ignores him.
"If you need some department's help, but your project needs money, you've got to figure out how to justify the expense the department. Or get money from somewhere else. The Enterprise System turns everyone into beggars and capitalists.
"But anyway, you've got to learn where the money is, and how to get it. Usually you have to use Face 3 to get money. It's very annoying.
"For this neo-capitalism to work, independently-funded departments get complete control over their jurisdictions, sometimes to the point where they have their own judicial process, their own cops, and their own university-conflicting rules. Like Residential Life and Housing. So if you want to find out who can help get something done, watch how the money flows and you'll know who has jurisdiction over what you want.
"That's the second face of Clark. It's most useful when trying to come up with a strategy to get things accomplished."