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Polly has disappeared into the study to balance the checkbook.
"Darn it, Polly, I've told you: Collins just hired this kidA to do that kind of stuff for us!" Women. Always insisting on feeling useful.
You settle down and, after a moment of searching, find the remote again. Uh-oh, this isn't Boss Hogg...
"We're reporting from Iowa as part of this network's coverage of Election '96. The Presidential candidates' verbal sparring has been especially intense ever since arriving at this, the most crucial juncture in their campaigns: the last stop before the big debates."
Debates?? Campaign??
Oh my God, you just realized that your Presidency is subject to election, and you haven't even started a campaign! Your opponents have an enormous head start. Thank God you're the incumbent. Still, mustn't rest on laurels, better start prepping for the debate. Also, you need to get money together for campaigning.
Although business is your specialty, you suspect this will be a complex chore.