Page 19
Well, Monday comes, as expected, and you marvel at the work of academic institutions like yours, whose researchers and scholars contributed to the arrangement of this modern calendar that's so precise. Monday always follows Sunday, no matter what part of the globe you're standing on. What a great bunch of guys.
The sun is shining, the air is warm, and the birds are chirping. As well they should be, for it's 6:45am, and you're sneaking off to work early in case some more students decide that they have the right to ask you questions.
You're passing the ALCI house when you spy the first student: he's crouching behind a bush next to the Corner House. As you pass him, he clicks his stopwatch, and makes a little mark in a ledger. How odd. But as long as they don't get in your way, you're happy.A
Uh-oh. So much for that. You've already spied trouble: there's a student staggering up the sidewalk, blood squirting from between the fingers of his hand clutched to the side of his neck.
Before you can react, his eyes have locked with yours. He registers surprise. You have a choice:B