Page 62


 The west side of campus seems to have lots of brick dorms. There's also a building called Dana Commons that inspires a particularly vicious series of expletives from your Good Ideas Ghoul. Apparently, this building was one of the student centers that got closed.

 "Why? 'Cause they decided that they should cap the balconies and make the second floor some kind of cheesy dining hall. Why'd they do this? Because over the last 20 years, they've increased the undergraduate population by a factor of 4. All the disasters you'd expect from this have happened, with additional catastrophe caused by the Administration's refusal to plan ahead with student life in mind."

 "I don't understand how this school stays alive while making day-to-day life for the students miserable."

 "Well, one way they do it is by focusing on image, marketing, and propaganda. By attracting the maximum number of students they can, they hope to compensate for the high transfer rate. It's hard for people to see the lack of something, so every year the wave of new students gets broken on the rocks of utter disenfranchisement. Also, not as many students transfer as you would think, because they don't know what they're missing. They have no other standards by which to compare Clark life.

 "Lemme give you an example. Take some students from another school and bring them to Clark. They look around, they ask questions. 'What's your President been doing lately?' 'Is space a big problem here?' 'Does Clark have problems with their relationship with the community?' And usually a Clarkie can't really answer. But put a Clarkie on someone else's campus, and the Clarkie doesn't really know what to ask. 'Uh... Good parties 'round here?' He's not used to being politically involved or informed. He doesn't even know what kinds of things to ask about, and since he's never been shown its value, he doesn't even have the interest."

 Your head is really hurting. Maybe you should see the rest of campus. On the other hand, it feels like you still don't have the whole story.


If you follow the tour to the north side of campus, turn to Page 35.
If you want to know more, turn to Page 23.