Page 23


 You're looking carefully at the ghost. It's been getting more and more bitter since you let it out of the UC. It sure knows its stuff, but you're wondering if its bitterness is getting in the way of its clarity of mind.

 "So the school's geography is permanently screwed up, the students are too disempowered to put down the bong, the administration is too hung-up, isolated, and fiscally narrow to even comprehend the problems. How do we fix this place? What would one person do if they wanted to make serious changes to this campus?"

 "It's not possible. You'd need years to work on it. Decisions here are made according to unexpressed, often inexpressible, criteria, like how much credibility the person with the idea or problem has. Unless you're 'in' with the Administration, you can't affect this place on a fundamental level. And if you're 'in' with them, you've already shown them that you won't make a serious difference."

 Suddenly, from the direction of Dana Commons, you hear an impossibly loud screeching noise. A blue-white star appears in the brick wall, and another spook shoots out of it like a spook shot from a spook-shooting spook-shooter. It flies across the lawn and hits the first ghost. They go flying, land on the ground, and roll through the dirt, fighting and cursing.

 The new one gets to its feet, puts its hands on its hips, and says to you, "Hey, dillweed. I'm the spirit of this school's hope. Let me tell you the real deal with this place." A

 You've about had your fill of these heavy-handed plot devices.B Maybe you could simply find some student activists and find out what kind of experiences they've had with the university. On the other hand, you would really like to know just what the heck's going on with these quarreling ghosts.


If you search for student activists, turn to Page 39.
If you want this nonsense explained, turn to Page 18.