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 Mitch looks at you with wide eyes and says, "Gee, mister, can I really do all that myself?"

 "Of course, son, but you have to rely on your comrades. Protecting the SAF against scoundrels is no easy task. The SAF is precious, my child, and it's the first and last line of defense against administrative invasion. Your task is to protect the university's priorities against the slow rot of corporate thinking and shallow interests. Never be afraid of authority, and never be afraid to speak your mind. This school needs to be awakened, and you and your brave cohorts on Student Council have the greatest opportunity to accomplish this. You have the power! All you need is the will and the know-how! Get up, man! Seize the diem! Make this school what it could be!"

 The kid takes a deep breath, and says...

Turn to Page 50.