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 "Gee, whiz, I'd really like to help bring student existence to a competitive level of quality, but it can be very hard. See, the best ways to change the campus are the most powerful, like the newspaper or Student Council, and they have a tendency to attract people who are not interested in making a difference. All they're interested in is self-promotion and power. And they're hard to work with because they don't take risks and aren't very trustworthy.

 "We call them 'dark side,' because it's almost like they've been corrupted."

 "By Darth Vader?"

 "No, by the dark side of the Force that exists within them."

 "And I suppose you think you're a Jedi?"

 "No, but with the President on my side, I could be just like one!"

 President? What is this kid babbling about? Does he mean you? You look at the brochure that's on the desk, and sure enough, there's a picture of you grimacing at the camera. Above your head, it says "President Traina Says, 'I Liked Physical Plant So Much, I Bought the Company!'"

 "My God, I'm the President of this University!" you exclaim out loud, and blow your credibility with Mitch. He summarily throws you out of the office, but your mind is whirling with the possibilities at your command, and you don't notice.

Turn to Page 24.