Page 42


 You're standing in the fresh August air, thinking about what you remember from college. Unfortunately, you can't even remember your name, so this isn't easy. All your brain sends you is vague, black-and-white pictures of well-groomed men and women sitting in Studebakers wearing varsity sweaters. You seem to remember a vague category of behavior called "hi-jinks." Finally, your brain keeps connecting college with something called political activism. Your brain can't figure out if this is a good or bad thing.

 One thing's for sure, though: Students are easy to come by in packages of two or three, but finding more than that at once is impossible on this campus. Maybe you should follow up the activism angle. All colleges have activism, right? You think so, but you're not sure.


If you find student activists, turn to Page 39.
If you simply try to find students, turn to Page 40.