Page 40


 It's a nice day out, and you find yourself on a path heading toward a brick square with a flagpole in the middle. The campus map calls it "Red Square." Perfect! There must be Marxists everywhere! How adorably college-like.

 Hey, cool. Circus performers. As you approach, you see a group of young adults dressed in loud primary colors. Their clothing, including their hats, is extremely baggy, and they move as if boneless. Currently, they are performing a trick wherein they stand in a circle and toss around a little beanbag without using their hands. It's interesting for a few minutes, but gets repetitive quickly. You toss them a quarter and begin to move on.

 "Hey, dude! Come hack with us!" Apparently, you're being invited to join them. It's the oldest trick in the book, this audience participation thing, but circus people are beguiling, and you step into the circle.

 Apparently, you're a natural. You hack with them for over an hour, and you learn more about circus performers then you ever wanted to know. They're all students, and most of them are musicians too. In fact, they're in a band together called "The Scarlet," but the band is almost dead because they never have a place to practice.

 You want to help them, but all you have is a campus map and a brochure. Then something on the map catches your eye: "Fuller Music Center." That sounds promising.

To the FMC! Turn to Page 75.