Page 16
It is 45 minutes later, and Andrea Michaels has just finished emptying the last drawer of her desk. "I'm very sorry, sir, but I can't find my copy. I know Kasperson gave me one, but apparently I gave it away or something." She shrugs helplessly.
You're beginning to get extremely annoyed. You're the President of the University, dammit, and you can't even find its Plan. Imagine the trouble students would have.A Of course, you shrug ironically, part of the motivation behind making these Plans was to distract and confuse students who tried to get involved with Administrative decision-making. You're kind enough to let them sit on 12 of the 75 committees, there's no reason they should want any more control over their lives.
But that's abstract. The reality of this situation is that you have about five hours to prepare for a debate against Jorge Gilpatrick, and you can't find the one document you need to prepare for it.
Michaels gives you one of her sad-but-sweet smiles, and you head down the hall to Jim Collins' office. Again.