Page 22


 The walk to the UC turns out to be pretty dangerous! Not only do you have to avoid people blindly rushing towards their next class, but you almost get kicked by a guy playing hackysack!

 Today is such a nice day, which is lucky for you because then you get a lot of attention. And today is even luckier than most because you spy black pants! On a day when you're starting to shed, too! This is great!

 Yes, this is the life, although you wish they'd put out those cigarettes. You don't want to get burned while being petted.

 "Nozy! Oh, my little snookie-wookums!" you suddenly hear.

 Oh, no! It's the stinky guy who lives with you. Your first reaction is to run away, but then you begin to ponder. Hmm... maybe he has tuna in his pockets.


If walk up to Stinky Guy, turn to Page 14.
If you want to wait for someone to let you into the UC, turn to Page 26.