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The only evidence that you can think of (unless, reader, you can think of something better, in which case, you can write it yourself in the space below) is to show them the indents your ass made in the sofa in Tilton while you were sleeping all day. So, you suggest it.
"What are you stupid? That's bathroom humor, that's easy," and they refuse to budge from their prime seating in Schmaka.
They exchange several awkward glances and handshakes, look at you and say, "Alright, let's pretend we believe you, dipshit. What are the implications of this upon our voice and diction study session?"
So you tell them exactly what the implications are and they all jump to their feet as you indicate that you may not be able to make it if it is not held in the UC. They decide to offer their assistance if you deem it appropriate.
Fill this page with your own damn story line if you can think of one better than ours.