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You march on down to the Pub* and it looks like a band is setting up to play.
You walk up to someone you recognize and ask who will be performing.
"Who's going to be performing?" You ask, more out of curiosity than for any other reason.
"Some band named Oasis. None of us have ever heard of then but from what we hear they have a couple of great indie records out. They must be cool because PEC blew their funding for the next three years on this show."
"Wow, neat!" You walk over to grab a cup of coffee and them sit down at a table to drink it. A few minutes later, someone in the band walks by mumbling about how the drummer made the mistake of eating at Schmaka and how he was throwing up and wouldn't possibly be able to play.
"Is there a drummer in the house?!" a small, annoying man with a British accent shouts into the crowd of four. Remembering that you played cello in the third grade...
*The authors refuse to acknowledge the recent renaming of this cultural institution.