Page 34


 What's with this door? Why am I washing dishes, anyway? Is this a realistic turn of events? If I use Palmolive, will I get dishpan hands? Where's Madge when you need her? How do you reformat a file from Apple to Windows?

 You can't stop wondering what "Equestrian Club 266" might mean. You read an article recently in WheatBread (a fine journalistic source) about the lack of space on this campus for student organizations, and you know it didn't mention anything about student space in the kitchen. Naturally, you decide to sneak away from your dishes while they soak and pop up to the Student Council office to see what the story is.

 No one is in the office, but the door is unlocked so you walk in and make yourself at home. There's a couple of photocopiers in the room, as well as a bunch of files labeled with the names of different organizations.


If you decide to make photocopies of your ass to hang up in the UC, turn to Page 12.
If you decide to read through the folders to learn about the Equestrian Club, turn to Page 15.