Page 15


 You enter Wright Hall and find a nice hallway to walk down. You ponder where to go and who to visit first when one of them silly-looking tie-dyed freaks runs down the hallway and grabs you.

 Before you even get a chance to protest, you are taken into a dorm room. Tie-Dye guy drops you down on the floor. Now is your chance... you run for the exit. Unfortunately, before you can make a break for it, the big wooden thing shuts on you, trapping you inside.

 You scan the room looking for another way out. You see lots of incense and candles burning near posters of that funky Jerry Garcia guy you know from hangin' out with your friends at Eco Village.

 You begin to think that this may not be too bad after all. Then you notice a funny sweet smell coming your way, and the room starting to get cloudy. Your little kitty head starts to feel a little light and you are not all together sure you like this sensation.


To hop on the bed, turn to Page 3.
To try and get out of the room, turn to Page 29.