Page 4


 While the prospect of a cat nap seems good to you, you realize that WheatBread needs you more. "Oh, the sacrifices I make for this place," you think, "Heavy is the head of a leader, I suppose."

 You walk in to the office and you see a bunch of people. You see the people you live with and you see some other humans that you know. You greet them with a hearty meow.

 "Spinoza!" "Hi Nozy!" Everyone (obviously) seems excited to see you, but you use your keen feline abilities to sense that they are not happy. People are running around and looking aggravated and saying things like, "This is never going to get out on time."

Spinoza makes his move Uh oh... They must be running late. You decide to get to work. You notice that the boards are out, so they must be laying out the issue. After closer inspection, you realize they are a wreck. Things just aren't where they should be... let alone the fact that you don't see one picture of you and you are not even mentioned until the fifth page. Figuring you could help them out, you hop up on the boards in an attempt to rearrange things.

 "Spinoza! Stop it!" you hear them yell as they throw you off the boards. Obviously they don't understand what you are trying to do. You hop back up on the boards and try again. As soon as you get back up, you are grabbed again.

 "Spinoza... what the hell are you doing? We're trying to work here." You are promptly thrown out into the social lounge. They just don't get it. Oh well. Let them fend for themselves... Tough love.

 Since you are conveniently out in the study lounge anyway, you decide to take a nap. You find the perfect spot on the couch. You curl up into a little ball and let a wave of sleepy overcome you.

Turn to Page 11.