Page 36


 Walking along Downing street, you begin flipping your red plastic ID holder and keychain around, alternately tossing and catching it. Busy surveying the happenin' scene, you drop the keychain, and watch in horror as it falls through a sewer grate. You swear you heard it laughing as it went down.

 You examine your options. According to the University's best-left-unquestioned policies, it would cost you $10 for the card entry, $10 for the ID, and $35 for your room key. After a little math you begin to think it would be worth your $55 to try and recover your possessions.

 You open up the grate and jump inside. It's a little dingy down here, but it seems to be a tunnel heading somewhere. You find your keys and you take a look around. The tunnel is curved in the direction of the Goddard library. You decide to follow it because this is a great opportunity to see parts of the school you have never seen before.

 As you follow the path, you sense the footsteps of the people walking above you. You're beginning to get claustrophobic. You fart really badly and have to run the rest of the way. At least you don't have to worry about rats.

Turn to Page 16.