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Bored out of your mind, you decide to order the pizza there and wait. You go to your car parked on Florence, no flat tires. One cracked window. Nearby an errant squirrel looks suspicious.
Driving up Park Avenue, you contemplate a meal at Ho Toy. Your stomach is already aching and your left leg breaks out in hives.
At Blue Jean's you look over the usual array of weird and unsatisfying pizzas. Fifteen minutes later, your El Mexicano pizza is ready, and you leave.
On the way back down Park, some asshole cuts you off going 60 mph and seconds later flashing blues appear. You are being pulled over. Exasperated at the thought that you were going to be ticketed unfairly, you resist the urge to complain to the cop that you were only exceeding the speed limit by 15 mph. The encounter begins "I guess you think you're pretty smart..." 30 minutes and $95 later you come home to messages on your answering machine! Excited that somebody else may be just as bored as you tonight, you jam the play button down.
"Hey, what's up? Just wanted to see if you were into clubbing tonight in Boston, but I guess you must be busy. If you get back before 8 pm, give us a call. Everybody's going."