Page 25


 As you head towards Dana and Hughes, you see some of your friends. "Hey guys, what are you doing tonight?"

 They inform you that there is a really good movie at Cinema 320 tonight, a foreign film that you wanted to see, but you had forgotten was playing. You hang out with them for a while in the Bistro until it is time for the movie.

 You walk up the stairs of Jefferson and present your ID to the old man taking the admissions so you can get your student discount. Why are there three people taking admissions when one person could easily do the job?

 The Cinema 320 man scrutinizes your ID. "Sir, you don't seem to be registered for this semester, so you no longer qualify for the discount."

 You explain to him, in a very patient voice, that the sticker fell off, along with the other thousands of stickers on your I.D. for the meal plan, the gym, and free parking at the mall. Maybe you shouldn't have stuck it in your pocket so many times that you had to iron it back together. He says, "I'll let you go this time, but I'm not going to do this again."

Turn to Page 6.