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You have to get out of here and it looks like your only option is a door on the right of the stage. As you run towards it, you see it is marked "Equestrian Club 266."
"Ahhhhhhhh," you shout, but run through it anyway. Oddly enough, the door opens into the kiln room of the craft studio, which is convenient, because you've been meaning to catch up on your pottery.
You sit across from a man who bears more than a passing resemblance to Dennis Hopper. He's mumbling something about the NFL and working on an unusual craft project which bears more than a passing resemblance to a bomb.
The door to the craft studio flies open. Keanu Reeves and Jackie Chan burst in, singing, "Nobody move, he's got a bomb!"
You stand in amazement as Dennis says, "Don't come any closer. I've got Maywood wired to blow!"
At that moment, Jackie leaps into action, and when you finish blinking, Dennis is lying unconscious on the floor, pinned under a volley of paint brushes.
Keanu and Jackie nod in approval. Keanu says to to you, "Good work, son."