Page 59
That Schmack, he must be one smart mofo, because for the life of you (not that you have much of a life if you've read this far), you can't seem to figure out how to forge the damn stamp. You decide, however, that the information contained in your flyer is too important to be withheld from the Clark community. You'll hang it anyway and keep your fingers crossed.*
You begin to walk around the UC and hang them up. You make it as far as the main bulletin board on the concourse. After you've put up the tenth flyer in that location, Schmill, the glowing Asst. Director, takes notice of your little "art project."
"Hey! I don't see a stamp on any of those. I'll have to confiscate the rest of those and take down the ones you've already put up."
"Natch," you shout, "I'd rather write for The Scarlet than give these to you!" and make a run for it.
* While reading the remainder of this page, play along by crossing your fingers.