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There's no way that these dweebs will be able to handle the truth. Besides being incompetent, all four of them were this years winners of the "Schmandy Smack excellence in gossiping award" for which, as a prize, they won a dandy smack. You decide to make something up. "I checked my e-mail for a while and before I knew it, it was six o'clock. It was the weirdest thing. I even VAXed right through my test."
"Whoa, that sucks" Gordy empathizes. That's what you like about your friends, they're always there for you. Suddenly, you feel guilty for lying to them. Ryanna changes the topic.
"Hey, I heard there's a cool hardcore band called Oasis or something in the Pub tonight."
"Oasis? Yeah I think I heard their seven-inch on CHC," Bob inserts.
In the meantime, Patty and Gordy announce that they're going back to Maywood.