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Your mother always told you to wear clean underwear, not to burn any bridges, and to cross all of your bridges when you get to them. While you usually ignore your Mother's advice, you recall a bylaw in your personal charter which states that in the event of a bomb scare, Motherly advice should always be followed. In the case of this bomb scare, you decide to cross the bridge of escaping the UC when the time comes and in the meantime go upstairs to study in Tilton.
You sprawl out on the luxurious French furniture and whip out your handy 1200 page Creative Actor study guide. As you begin to pour through "Chapter 7: Upstage and Downstage," an older looking man in a nice suit with a shit-eating, yet forced, grin approaches you and begins to chat it up.
"Hello, I'm the Alumni Activities Coordinator, and I was wondering if you would care to join me for lunch."
"Lunch?! What time is it!?!"