WheatBread Issue#13: March 1998 |
A Note on Discrepancies: In addition to photos and articles only available here, most copy editing, graphic design, and layout mistakes have been fixed. Care has been taken to preserve the character of the original.
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2. L'Editorial: Associate Editor Emily Sachs ('98) tackles the controversial issue of celebrities at Clark-- and the lack thereof. Also features the legal text and contact info.
3. Ingredients: The Table of Contents. Features a photo of Christopher Hagelstein. Must be 18 to enter.
4. German Major Kaput: by Emily Sachs. Thinking of majoring in German? Think again.
5. Student Council Stalker: by Jeremy Lesniak ('01). Clark's newest Johnson Hall rep dissects StudCo for your pleasure.
6. The Speech at the End of the Universe: by Zack Ordynans ('98). Despite the University, a dedicated band of SPOC members is struggling to bring Douglas Adams to Clark.
9. A Foul Smell in the Air: by Mollie Wittstein ('99). A tour of Clark's Ladies Rooms.
10. Watering Down at Clark: by Jon Messinger ('00). A lone cry for temperance in the hot-hot-hot issue of college drinking.
12. Please, Stay Tuned: by Molly Hale ('99). When one suite loses their television... good things happen.
13. Confessions of a Television Addict: by Mandy Reyna ('99). When one person loses their television... bad things happen.
14. #32-- One More Thing Before I Get On With My Future: by Zack Ordynans ('98). A lot has changed in four years at Clark... and a lot hasn't.
16. Administrators B.C. (Before Clark): by Emily Sachs ('98). A special feature focusing on the sordid pasts of our administrators. Not to be missed!
19. The Reading Conspiracy: by Christopher Hagelstein ('87). Why read? Why write? Delving is not for the faint of heart.
20. He Said/She Said: by Guido Stein ('00) and Lisa Cohen ('00). WB sent Clark's two most compatible people on a date, and here's the story from both sides.
22. Me & Uncle Pat-- the WB Interview: by Jon Messinger ('00) and Pat Moran ('00). The Director of "Me & Uncle Bill" gets interviewed by his Assistant Director.
24. The Jesus/Bacon Connection by Rob Scalese ('01), TSIA; and When Pigs Fly by anonymous, regarding The Scarlet.
26. My Punk Manifesto by Steve Guo (grad student), and Ego and the Senior a poem by anonymous ('98). TSIA.
27. The Cooking Bachelor's Recipe for Love (Wedges): by Dave Reed ('98). No kidding.
28. Updates: What's happening with Clark's militia and sadomasochism society.
29. More Recipes: from the posse at 74 Florence Street. Real recipes that you'll have to see to believe.
30. And now for something completely different: Random stuff, including "Yoda & Botta: A WB Comparison," plus an ad for the Pasta Pantry, and the new Student Film Fest.
31. Ask Dr. Null: by Dr. Null, PhD. Our favorite anonymous professor takes on our favorite household appliance.
Everything! Click this to get the whole issue, black-cover-to-black-cover!