WheatBread Issue#10: September 1997
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A Note on Discrepancies: In addition to photos and articles only available here, most copy editing, graphic design, and layout mistakes have been fixed. Care has been taken to preserve the character of the original.


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All pages in cavity-fighting PDF format. Requires Acrobat Reader to view.

WB#10's cover0. Alternative cover: Available here for the first time! Jason Berry ('97) designed an alternative cover to the one on the right, but it wasn't used for dubious reasons that possibly (but not necessarily) made sense at the time.

1. "A Fable of Contents": Our regular combination of a Table of Contents and About the Authors' page. Good for an overview of the issue and learning about our contributors.

2. Editorial: Zack's mom writes about why her son is qualified to be the Editor of WheatBread. Also contains the masthead and legal info.

3-11. The Guide to Worcester. Get acquainted with the best this place has to offer. Useful for both freshmen and old-timers, as Worcester is a city of "best-kept secrets."

3. Introduction: by Walter Crocket ('69), Editor of Worcester Magazine.
4. The Guide to Worcester: by David Bernstein, Zack Ordynans, Korey Darling, Mandy Reyna, Mollie Wittstein, and Randi Beckman, all juniors and seniors. Where to shop, eat, play, entertain your bad self, and boogie.
8. Fresh in Worcester: by Tom Roy ('98) and Elsa Berendes ('99). The inside scoop from two actual, live in captivity, Worcester natives.
9. The Linguist's Guide: by Randy Mack ('97) with Jeremy Sarna ('96), Cindy Corliss ('98), Mollie Wittstein ('99), and Aidan Reynolds ('94). Terms to know for life at Clark.
11. Package Stores: by Dave Bernstein ('98). How to buy liquor no matter what your age.

12. Erikson's Stages of College Life: by Randy Mack ('97), as unearthed from the secret files of the Psychology Department. A little-known footnote to the famous psychologist's career.

14. Package Tours: by Zack Ordynans ('98), Randy Mack ('97), and Jason Siderman ('98). A wrap-up of the summer's big-ass festival-style concert tours.

18. Weird Like Me: by Nicole Imbracsio ('98). Individuality at a school where everyone's an individual (or thinks they are).

19. Your College Career Forecast: by Amanda Reyna ('98). A look into the crystal ball from someone who's been there.

20. A Guide to Spinoza: by Mollie Wittstein ('99). Everything you wanted to know about the campus' favorite feline, including "Where'd he go?"

22. Eddie Vedder ad: one of our more popular house ads, even though it backfired completely.

23. The Wall of Disillusionment: Affirmations for becoming a cynical Clarkie, by Macneil Shonle ('00) with Randy Mack ('97) and Bill Evans ('99).

24. Columns: featuring two debuts: "Dr. Null's Bag o' Notes" by a Clark professor writing under the pseudonym Dr. Null, and "Relationships Suck," the first honest romantic advice column, by the infamous Heather Sims ('90).

Everything! Click this to get the entire issue, cover-to-cover!