WheatBread Issue#8: April 1, 1997
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A Note on Discrepancies: In addition to photos and articles only available here, most copy editing, graphic design, and layout mistakes have been fixed. Care has been taken to preserve the character of the original.


Spring Õ97 parody issue

[click above to get entire issue]

All pages in money-saving PDF format. Requires Acrobat Reader to view.

1. The cover [duh]
2. The Table of Contents, plus:
- "Amorica (with Thoughtful Henry)" [cartoon]
- the Masthead
- "Guest Expert: You"
3. "U. Views" (Letters to the Editor)
The Editorial (Letter from the Editor)
"U. Polls" [opinion poll results]
4. "Quickies" [College News Briefs]
5. "This Bytes" [computer news]:
- Mac vs. PCs: Why PCs Still Suck
- The World's Wide WEB Offers Opportunities for Excitement!
- Bits and Bytes
6. "U. News":
- 6th Year Free Programs
- Putting the 'H' Back in 'ADD'
7. "U. News", cont'd:
- Professor Named in Allegations of Misconduct
- Celebrity Quiz: Jewish or Lesbian?
- Protecting Your Right to Harass (Guest Editorial)
8. "Rock" :
- Radio
- Our Picks
- Pocket Band
- 'Squba Gear' review
9. "Reel":
- Film Clips
- the Reel Deel
10. The First-Ever 42nd Annual U. Putz Scholarship Application [ad]
11. Another Annual U. Putz Photo Contest
12. Record Club ad
Online only! -- The original, quickly-aborted cover idea